Wednesday, June 27, 2007

The Tape Recorder

Have you ever wondered if your kids are listening to you? Rest assured, they are but just not to what you want them to. "Wash your hands" "Make sure you wash your hands" "Before dinner wash your hands" "Did you wash your hands?" I feel like a broken record and then at the table, guess what he forgets to do...

However, then there's the things that you say once, think to yourself "I probably shouldn't have said that" and pray they didn't hear you, which inevitably, they did.

Case in point: We were sitting at the dinner table yesterday at my parent's house. We were discussing a local high school football rivalry between the HS where I grew up and the one that Ben grew up which is where Ben teaches and the district in which Ethan goes to school. (Ben coaches football so it's a common topic.) Ben and my dad were playfully bantering about how our team was going to have more yards this year than their team. Ben turns to Ethan and says, "What do you think, Ethan?" Ethan nonchalantly responds, "We're going to beat the crap out of them."

Go Tigers!

Monday, June 4, 2007


Introducing, Ethan! Since I started his sister a blog when she was born, I figured I should start a site for Ethan as well. Since he is six and has learned to type and spell this year, he will be posting too.

Ethan a really great kid, very sweet and smart and cute if I may say so myself! He is just finishing kindergarten this week and has really taken off academically.

He loves to go "tromp through the woods" with his dad and loves to fish! In fact, Ethan usually catches the most and the biggest fish when we go.

Ethan loves spiderman, batman, superman and ninja turtles. He also loves to draw and look through his dictionary for pictures to draw.