Saturday, July 21, 2007

Bridge to Terabithia

Last night, Ethan, Ben and I all sat down to watch a good family movie--The Bridge to Terabithia. This is probably the first non-cartoon movie Ethan has watched the whole way through. Though an excellent movie, it was also very emotional. Well, after a certain part of the movie that involves death, Ethan found himself in tears and was very upset that a movie would make him cry. Of course we explained to him that it's OK to cry (both his dad and I were) and that many movies are made to cause you to feel something and that even though they were people, the movie wasn't real. Though he still wasn't too sure of whether he liked the movie, he says he understands the points we were trying to explain. But, for me, it's a sign that my little boy is growing up. . .

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