Monday, October 1, 2007

The Bus is Not the Car

This morning I told Ethan I was going to take him to school. We live about 2 minutes from the school, he's the last picked up and really, if I take him, we leave about the same time the bus comes; so it's really a horse a piece just to take him but he LOVES to ride the school bus.

Anyway, I told Ethan to get his bookbag and lunchbox in the car while I ran up to get Rachel's pacifier. I came down, picked up Rachel and her "stuff" and went outside to put her in the car. Ethan was no where to be found. I yelled for him because sometimes he likes to play hide-and-seek but nothing. I ran through the house and couldn't find him.

THANK GOD that my SIL works for the school district driving a bus. I called her cell knowing that she would already be at the school delivering her kids (you can't answer when you're driving) and asked her to ask Ethan's bus driver if he got on the bus.

And, sure enough, the little stinker got on the school bus.

I ask him about it when he got home.

"I panicked, Mom" was his response.

Poor kid ;)

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